CDC Recommendations for COVID -19
Our Instant Hand Sanitizers Kill 99.99% of germs in as little as 15 seconds. Our Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are recommended by the CDC and World Health Organization for preventing the spread of SARS, COVID-19, H1N1, swine flu and other disease causing microorganisms. Our Products leave skin feeling fresh and clean without residue.
The CDC recommendations reflect the important role of hand hygiene for preventing the transmission of pathogens in healthcare settings for a wide range of pathogens. The ability of hand hygiene, including hand washing or the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers to prevent infections, is related to reductions in the number of viable pathogens that transiently contaminate the hands. Hand washing mechanically removes pathogens, while laboratory data demonstrates that 60% ethanol and 70% isopropanol inactivates viruses that are genetically related to, and with similar physical properties as, the 2019-nCoV.

Complete Line of Hand Care Products
We welcome you to our website and hope that you will take the time review our complete line of Innovative Hand Care Products. Our full line of products include: Alcohol-based hand sanitizers, Non-alcohol-based hand sanitizers, USDA & NSF E2, E3 & E4 approved hand soaps for use in food handling facilities, Antibacterial hand soaps, PCMX medical grade hand soaps, industrial grade hand soaps, and various lotions that keep hands soft.

Products you can Trust
Our company has been developing hand care products for over 50 years with the customer in mind. Many of our products are formulated to protect you from harmful bacteria and viruses, while our industrial hand soaps are formulated to remove the toughest of soils & greases without drying out your hands. Our lotions are formulated using a variety of natural oils, vitamins & emoluments. Our food grade hand soaps meeting all of the requirements for USDA & NSF standards for use in food handing facilities. Our Antibacterial soaps are formulated in a variety of pleasing natural fragrances.
Our products are manufactured under strict SSOP guidelines and our products are manufactured in an FDA approved facility.

Starter Combo Packs
Many of our products are offered individually, but are also offered as economical STARTER COMBO packs, which allow our customers to purchase our products with various combination dispensers . Allow for easy dispensing of our products. Our COMBO packs come in a variety of choices including Industrial dispensers, touch-less dispensers & other dispensers.